Computer Tricks

Here i am giving you some essential,useful,and interesting computer tricks to learn more about computer. All the people don't about this tricks.So learn my tricks and become genius.

 Computer Trick1 :-

Delete the "Password" set for "administrator":
  • Remove the hard disk of the computer or to connect them.
  • set it to another computer as a "secondary bootable device."
  • Log in to your Windows.
  • Go to "Windows" then find "System32"and then go to "config".
  • Delete the file  "sam.exe" and "sam.log."
  • Now turn off the computer and remove the drive  only.
  • Set the hard disk of the other computer and then log in.
(Note: This trick only works if the hard drive in FAT format.)

Computer Trick  2 :-

To see all the cards in the windows in built  game "Hearts" , you must edit the registry very carefully:
  • Go to the "Registry Editor" ( click "Start" go to Run" then type "regedit" and press Enter button).
  • Go carefully, step by step in the left pane as follows:"HKEY_CURRENT_USER" → "Software" → "Microsoft" → "Windows" → "Current Version" → "Applets" → "Hearts".
  • Right click in the right side or panel -->"New String Value" and   rename as "ZB"
  • Open the "ZB". Enter "42". Close  Registry Editor.
  • If you want to see all the cards in the hearts, press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] + [F12].
Computer Trick  3 :-

How to create folder without name:

  • Right-click the folder if you want to see without name.   
  • Click  on "Rename."
  • Hold down the [Alt] key and press 0160  on the numeric keypad on the right side of the keyboard. (Do not use the figures of the numbers on the character keys)   
  • Then Press the Enter button. The folder is created without a name.
  • To create a folder without name in the same directory, then select a different folder and rename it as you do in step , and  repeat these step.

Computer Trick  4 :-

To block a site without any software  or FireFox filters. just follow my guideline

  • Go to C: Windows--> System32 --> driversetc.
  • The "hosts" file with no extension can be found.
  • Open it with the Notepad.
  • Getting Started with the bottom of the page. And search the line " localhost".
  • Add next line next to that line "". Where xyz is the site you want to block.
  • Now open the site in Internet browser and check it.

Computer Trick  5 :-

To lock folder without software:
  • Just write the codes below:
  title Folder Locker
  if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” goto UNLOCK
  if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER
  echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
  set/p “cho=>”
  if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
  if %cho%==y goto LOCK
  if %cho%==n goto END
  if %cho%==N goto END
  echo Invalid choice.
  goto CONFIRM
  ren Locker “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
  attrib +h +s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
  echo Folder locked
  goto End
  echo Enter password to Unlock folder
  set/p “pass= >”
  if NOT %pass%== PASSWORD goto FAIL
  attrib -h -s “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}”
  ren “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}” Locker
  echo Folder Unlocked successfully
  goto End
  echo Invalid password
  goto end
  md Locker
  echo Locker created successfully
  goto End
  • Insert the above code into the notepad editor and change the word "password" (in the line, if not %pass% == password goto FAIL) give your password to set the password.
  • Save the file with this name XYZ.bat. where XYZ is any arbitrary name choosed by you.
  • A batch file is immediately created where you saved XYZ.bat file.
  • A new folder named "Locker" is created . This is created when you double click the  XYZ.bat file.
  • Add files or folders to the folder you just created to lock your file.
  • Again, double-click  on the  XYZ.bat.
  • Type "Y" or "Y".
  • The locker is closed and hidden.
  • To open it, double-click XYZ.bat and enter the password in the window that appeared. 
   I hope you like my post.If you like my post comment here and come again.


    Send Free Sms

     There are many good sites that provide services such as SMS and free local calls local and national Sms wide range.but smsze is one of them.But   its only for indian people.

    Features of Smsze:-

    •  Send free messages to mobile phones across the country
    •  The number of different messages and greetings in the form of SMS collection provided
    • Users have the ability to move in order to track the location of mobile via mobile phone tracking application.
    •  FREE SMS alerts all over India and a huge list of SMS collection.The user can also invite people and friends from different networks in a healthy conversation on this site.
    • Group SMS is available to all members and friends  without a penny for this all you need to do is to add your contacts in a Phone book.
    •  Users can check their message status in day wise report which is available in MANAGE FUTURE SMS option.
    • The user can block messages from spammers, or use Smsze wanted an advanced option for 'Do Not Disturb (DND). "

    How can you signin?

    •  Join the site and fill out the registration form on this side.
    •  After registration is completed verify and validate your e-mail.
    •  Login to the site with your mobile number and password.
    • Have fun with Feature Smsze.


    Nokia Codes

    "Nokia" is a famous company in worldwide. Well, this is a manufacturer of mobile marketing globally with USP phone. These handsets are very "friendly". There are some codes for Nokia phones that know each user to operate it with more facilities . I'm talking here about some of them.

    (1)*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is

    reduced my approx. 5%

    (2) #3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) OR *3370#

    (3) *#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30%

    more Talk Time.

    (4) *#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec.

    (5) *#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release

    Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type.

    (6) *#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.

    (7) *#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number).

    (8) #pw+1234567890+ 1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
    and "+" symbols).

    (9) #pw+1234567890+ 2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
    and "+" symbols).

    (10) #pw+1234567890+ 3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w"
    and "+" symbols).

    (11) #pw+1234567890+ 4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" Go to Top
    and "+" symbols)..

    (12) *#147# (vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.

    (13) *#1471# Last call (Only vodofone).

    (14) *#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to

    (15) *#2640# Displays security code in use.

    (16) *#30# Lets you see the private number.

    (17) *#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

    (18) *#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.

    (19) *#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls
    are diverted to.

    (20) *#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.

    (21) *#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330.

    (22) *#73# Reset phone timers and game scores.

    (23) *#746025625# Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop

    Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.

    (24) *#7760# Manufactures code.

    (25) *#7780# Restore factory settings.

    (26) *#8110# Software version for the nokia 8110.

    Go to Top

    (27) *#92702689# Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no

    repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again. ( Favourite )

    (28) *#94870345123456789 # Deactivate the PWM-Mem.

    (29) **21*number# Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.

    (30) **61*number# Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.

    (31) **67*number# Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.

    (32) 12345 This is the default security code.*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is


    Android Tricks

    "Android" operating system from Google, which operates the mobile phones . This is the obvious consequence of the development of technological development. But this can be very difficult for new Android mobile phone users to use. Therefore, it will give you some tips that you feel comfortable, to use Android in order to maximize performance.


                              To take a screenshot :-

    Sometimes it is necessary to make a screenshot of your phone to any reason, such as a complaint or comment, email, etc. To do this,

       * Download Android SDK for your pc.
       * Connect your phone to your computer.
       * Run "ddms"  from the terminal.
       * Go to "Device" and take the screenshot with "screenshot capture" or [Ctrl] + [S].

    Link to download the Android SDK:

                           Install Non-Market Applications :-

    Android phones is restricted or limited in order to install the application. If you want to  use non-market  from your friends or anywhere need to follow the method described below:

    1.Go to Menu ,then Settings,then Applications, then unknown sources.


     2.Check "Unknown source".

    3.Moreover also enable, "stay away" by going to Menu ,then Settings,then Application, then Development.

    4.Now you can use any type of  malicious software by browsing the browser or by using "adb install command".

                          To Protect The Phone Against Viruses :-


    1.Download "Lookout Mobile Security " for your Android phone.

    2.This program scans your Android phone, to notify you of suspicious or malicious applications on your phone.

                   Save Your Battery Power :-
    Android animated backgrounds are impressive. But if the battery is fully charged, you can extend the use of mobile applications with minimal appication running .


    1.Go to Settings then go to Display, after that  Animations and cancel all the animations.

                          Accelerate The Search For Google :-

    To accelerate the search or browsing significantly, you must disable the "Web suggestion" feature.


     1.Go to Settings,then go  to search,after that go to Google Search settings and deactive the web suggestions.

                               Manage Files Easily :-
    Android phones have the possibility to download any file to its  internal memory. But once transferred, it is very difficult to find. To do this, you must download "Astro File Manager" with which you can easily sort or mange your files.


    iPad Tricks

    IPAD is regarded as the best invention of the technology for the promotion of human life. It is really spread like a tsunami on the market. This Tablet PC is very useful and easy to use. Here are some tips to owners of the iPad.


    Maximize The IPhone's Battery Lifetime :-

    • Try to keep your ipad against direct sunlight.
    • Activate Bluetooth only when needed and turn off  when not in use.
    • Screen brightness should be reduced.
    • You can disable or reduce the sound system.
    • Try using the Wi-Fi when possible, instead of 3G.
    • Disable the "vibration" when playing games.
    • You should fully discharge the battery of the iPhone at least once a month.
    • Set the limits of the screen saver to be quickly blocked.

     Protect Data To Be Leaked :-

    If your iPhone has sensitive data and valuable, can be prevent it to get leaked. for do this click Settings then go to  General then go to pass code lock after that Erase data .It erases all the valuable data when your pass code, set for the ipad, is wrongly typed 10 times
    Take Your ipad Screenshot : -

    Press [home] + [sleep/ wake] together. a photo is taken with a click by your  ipad and automatically saved it to your image gallery.

     Enjoy  Multi-Tasking :-

    If you want to switch between any task without closing the running program, you should follow this:
    • Double-click on your Ipad Home button.
    • Touch  to open the application from the list at the bottom of the screen.
    • If necessary, you may need to swipe the icons to find yours when many tasks are running.

    Save The Image While Browsing The Internet :-

    Touch the image you want to keep and hold it for a moment. Save image option will be prompted and can easily save the image.

    Quickly Turn Off The Sound :-

    Press and hold the "Volume Down" for only 2 seconds.

    Copy And Paste Text :-

    Enter a word and drag to select text to copy, click on "Copy". Open another application, and press the "input box". tap "paste". To copy an entire paragraph, then you should be 4 times and select the text block to be copied. after follow the  above steps to copy and paste.

    Place Google Adsense Below Post Title in Blogger

    If you dont have a Adsense ad unit read my previous post  How TO Create A Google Adsense Ad Unit.Now i am showing how to place  google adsense  below blogger post title.
    Here Steps to Place Google Adsense Below Blogger Post Title :-                                   

    1. you can copy the adsense  code  while mouse in the code box . Select All and then right click and select Copy. Make sure  you collect all of the Google Adsense ad unit code .          
    2. Open the AD converter  by clicking in the link to Centricle.

    3. Paste the Google Adsense code into the converter and press the Convert button. This analysis the code, the javascript in order to properly read bloggers can  read it easily . Leave this window open for now, we come again to come here.

    4. Log in to your Blogger account , if not already connected.

    5. Go to the HTML layout> Edit html

    6. Backup template (recommended)

    7. Check the Expand Widget checkbox.  CTRL + F to blogger search. Copy the following code and thrn paste this code to  the search box to find the code block into your template starting from this line:
        <b:if cond='data:post.title'>

    Code-block to find :-
    <b:if cond='data:post.title'>
    <h3 class='post-title'>
    <b:if cond='data:post.url'>
    <a expr:href='data:post.url'></a>
    9.Back to the AD converter and copy the converted code, by pressing the right mouse button and choose Select All again to continue copying.

    10. Paste this code directly after the previous code block:

    <!-- Start Google Ad-->
    <!-- End Google Ad-->


    11. Add the Google Adsense ads code between <- start google add -> and <- End Google Ad ->

    12.Click Save Template

    13.. Check out his new Google Adsense ads on your blog via the view blog link.

    How TO Create A Google Adsense Ad Unit

    How  to create a adsense unit of Adsense ads in Google :-

    Just follow the below steps 1-12, if you  dont  have one ad unit to Google Adsense.

    1. First sign in blogger then from  Blogger Dashboard, click the  Google Adsense link  at the lowest part of the page

    2.Second go to AdSense Setup> Get ads or sign up for  Adsense, if not registered.

    3.Select  AdSense for Content  from the advertising-setup page.

    4.Choose the ad unit from the adsense on account of content on your screen. In most cases you want to be an advertisement unit.

    5.Select Adjust the  adaptation of the show  from the dropdown, depending on your needs. sometime i select text ads ,i think its better for me. but you can choice your own f you have a different experience. Click on Next button.

    6. Choose display format. It will probably be great between 336x280, 250x250 or 468x60 banner.

    7. Choose your color palette based on your color blog.

       ( Suggestion: I think the best way to get to the color of my ads when I'm not sure, is to create an AdSense for bloggers and the change of the color palette for  new advertising campaign on Google. If you prefer, you can change the default settings and change the color scheme later. Change the colors do not affect your ad unit code of the model.)

    8.Accept the default font, in the intervening time. Later you can still check in verifying the real.

    9. Click on Next button.

    10.Make an ad channel by clicking a link add a new channel. By default, Google will add selected channels.

    11.Click on  Next

    12.You may  be need to give your ad unit a additional detailed name  .I support that the size of the display ad unit in the names  as it makes  the unit  is easy to find. I commonly add the name of the blog name reason that  I have several blogs.  you can get your ad code  by clicking on the submit button and receive the code.

    Notepad Tricks

    Notepad is a text editor, the default for Microsoft operating systems. Mainly used Notepad to write something. However, this simple text document to do several things that may not be familiar to someone. I'm talking about a few things available to Notepad.

     Check Your  "Anti-virus" :-

    If you want to see your  anti-virus activity, or effectiveness, you can use this notebook thing.

    • Copy this code:


    • Open Notepad and paste.
    • Save it .exe  extension as  like checkantivirus.exe.
    • Your antivirus program detects this file and try to eliminate as soon as you save this file.
    • This shows that your antivirus is working properly, if not, try a different anti-virus.  

    Make Your Log- Diary:-

     To make a log book ,simply open notepad and write .Log, then save it and close it.see the log book magic after reopening the file The date and time are automatically inserted after log entry.

    Hide The Text :-

    Notepad can hide the text that follows the rule of the 4335 In other words, the text consists of four words separated by spaces. The first letters of words, second, third and fourth consist of 4, 3, 3 and 5 As "THEY ARE FAT GIRLS" or "BUSH HID THE FACTS."
    • Open Notepad.
    • Write the text with  4335 rule
    • save  at any one name.

    (This trick does not work on all computers)

     Magic trick :- 
    The number of flights, which was hit the World Trade Center on 9/11 Q33NY.

    • Open Notepad.
    • Type "Q33NY" without quotes in capital letters.
    • Change font size to 72
    • Change Fonts "Wnigdings."
    • Just look at the miracle.  
    Shut Down Computer :-

    To shut down the computer imedieately, after the publication of a message, just follow the steps.
    • Open Notepad.
    • Copy the code below
         @echo off

    msg * Its time to get some rest.

    shutdown -c "Error! You have to take rest! Byeeeeee" -s

    • Save the file with a .bat extension   That's it.

    Convert Text To Audio:-

    • Open Notepad.
    • Copy the code below
    Dim msg, sapi
    msg=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion–","Knowhacking Text-To-Audio Converter")
    Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
    sapi.Speak msg

    • Save as a file. ".vbs" extension.
    • Now open the saved file and see the magic.


    YouTube Tricks

    The video-sharing site in the world's largest and most popular is undoubtedly was ahead of most technicians to human life ahead of him. About 80% of users do not even know well the features and functionality of the site. i think You must know some "you tube tricks" , to get a better result and performance.

     See The YouTube Video In High Quality: -

    You should check your searched video can be viewed with high quality , you must have to  write some  code after the URL.

    Embed YouTube Video In High Quality: -

    If you want to embed a high quality video, then you must use the following code after the URL, and then embed it.


    See Important Part Of The Video: -

    As important and necessary action will be initiated after a certain time of the video, then you have to append the codes given to start the video at that point of time.
    *t=MMmSSs where we know MM is minutes and SS is seconds.

    Embed The Important Part Of The Video:-

    To embed the important part of the video, just type the following code after the url before embedding.

    ‘&start=50' to skip first 50s of the video.


    View  YouTube In Full Screen Mode:-

    To replace the video in full screen mode in your web browser, just the replace your video ID.

    Hide The Search Box:-

    To hide the search box, simply append  '&showsearch=0' after the URL and then embed it.

    7th Autoplay and Loop an embedded video

    AutoPlay for video, you need to add the link after the appending of the URL with "&autoplay=1"

    And for loop the video, you need "& loop=1" which is repeated in the video when finished.

    Embed Clickable Link In Your Youtube Video:-

    Before the embed of video in your blog or website, please visit or Then add the video link if you want to embed.  you can click and copy the code and bind it. Then the clickable link can be clicked from your video.Download Videos From YouTube

    To download videos from YouTube, there are several options available for download. Many download sites from YouTube for you.

     Download youtube video:-

    If you want to download any youtube video, there are various ways to download it. Many websites downloads youtube video for you. : To High-Definition Video Download : To download the standard

    You must add the link to download youtube.Click the download icon.

    Otherwise, you can  add some  prefixes just like "kick" or "kiss" on YouTube video to download.
    example: or

    To download the MP3 of video on you tube, then go to the website,

    Useful Mobile Tricks

    In our daily life, the phone is very useful and necessary. With the help of mobile phones can still communicate and keep in touch with the world. Without a cell phone, often feel incomplete. Thus, it has become an essential part of our lives. Therefore, it is sometimes very important to have a few tricks mobile phone that you know can help a lot of interesting things. Here are some tricks for mobile phone as follows: -

                                                   Mobile Trick 1:

                       To listen to the conversation a secret room, and usually  use the recording option on your cell phone. But it can be a problem at this time, like when someone calls you at that time, the recording will stop at this point. The other problem is the recording time is limited for most cell phones, hich may create interrupt in recording the complete conversation..In this case, you can follow a simple trick is to connect the headset with your mobile phone and leave the phone to the room in a hidden place. by having  a phone headset that will help your to answer your call automatically, without the vibration or noise. Well, just call your own phone from a number of others and listen to all conversations in secret.

                                                  Mobile Trick 2:
                      It is possible that in certain situations occur in your life that the phone's battery is very low. At this point you can use a trick that allows you charge the battery immediately. Simply press "*3370 #". This phone will restart automatically increases by 50% of battery capacity on your mobile phone.
                                                   Mobile Trick 3:

                       If your phone is stolen, by using this trick can be disabled your phone. Just press the button on the phone "*#06#". this Displayed after a 15-digit number on the phone screen. Now note that the number and store it safely. When the phone is stolen, call your service provider and give them this code to  lock and block everything on your mobile set. Now, if someone use the phone to want to change your SIM card, the phone will be totally useless.

                                                   Mobile Trick 4:

                        This is a tip that you need to know if you are outside the range of your network and you  are in an emergency. At that time, just dial  122 and the mobile will search an existing network to establish the emergency number for you. This trick should be known by everyone for every type of emergency.

    Computer Keyboard Shortcuts

    Today everyone has a computer at home, whether for business or personal use. easier for professionals to work together with keyboard and mouse with no problems, but for a beginner? do not know the keyboard shortcuts and tips for using the keyboard without a mouse. In my personal life, I always prefer to use keyboard shortcuts when possible. That's why I'm going to the most useful keyboard shortcuts that you can do your work faster.

    Most people use Windows XP or Windows 7, so I teach to the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts.

                                                        In Order To Minimize All Active Programs:

                                          >> Hold down the Windows logo key and press D.

                                                 Minimize The Current Window Or Active Program:

                                          >> Press Alt + Spacebar + N

                           To Change The Name Of The Shortcut / Program Files / file Or Modify Anything:

                                           >> Press F2

                           Switch Between Two Or More Windows Or Applications At The Same Time:

            >> Press and hold (Alt + Tab), then the following in Windows 7 (which are different in Windows XP)

    Some Useful Internet Tricks.

    Today the Internet has become a part of our daily life. It connects all the computers in the world and can be found anywhere on the Internet. Therefore, you need to know a few things over the Internet. Some tricks on the Internet are: -                                      
                               Internet Trick 1

    If you want to zoom in  your browser, simply press [Ctrl] key and use the "up/down" scroll of the wheel to zoom in and out accordingly. Even if you want to see the size of the source, simply press [Ctrl] and press [0].

                               Internet Trick 2

    If you surf the internet and loves to use the  full screen to view the websites, simply press [F11], then all the toolbars and address bars are removed from the screen and you can see the  full screen size of the site. To return to the original view, just press [F11] again on the keyboard.

                               Internet Trick 3

    To access the address bar, you can use [Ctrl] + [L]  as shortcut key. Then you can auto complete your website with this trick on the Internet. At first go to the address bar with the shortcut [Ctrl] + [L]. Enter the name of the site without www and com. after press [Ctrl] + [Enter]. With this,it  fill up the www and com automatically.

                                Internet Trick 4

    In Firefox, if you write something in the address bar, the sites you've visited, it automatically appears in a list. To delete one of them, simply use the down arrow and go to the address you wish to delete, and press the Delete button to delete the list.

                                 Internet Trick 5

    if you want to use your mouse for internet  browse you can use some mouse Internet tricks for using the Internet.
    Tricks are:

        *Ctrl+scroll up: - It will help increase the text size.
        *Ctrl+scroll down: - It will help to decrease the text size.
        *Shift+scroll up: - This will help you go to the next page.
        *Shift+scroll down: - This will help you to go to the previous     page.
        *Middle click on a link-  it will open   new tab
        *Middle clicking  on  a tab: - It will help you close the tab.

                                  Internet Trick 6

    You can also use keyboard shortcuts to increase your browser speed. Use this: -

        *Ctrl + T:- This Can be used for a new tab.
        *Ctrl - W:- This Help you  to close the tab.
        *Ctrl + L:- It will help you to go to the address bar.
        *Ctrl +  :- This is to enlarge the text.
        *Ctrl -  :- This is decrease the text size.
        *Alt+Home:- This will help you to go to the home page.
        *Spacebar:- Be used fpr page down.
        *Shift + Spacebar:- Be used for page up.

    Hotfile hack

    We all know that a file-sharing service HotFile .so you will download files, share them with friends. It is easy to download files, you need only going to then  and start uploading files. However, the problem occurs when you download the file. In fact, no problem, we can say that there is a limitation.

    When a user downloads a file from the hot file, wait several seconds to start downloading the file.And even the Hotfile doesn’t allow you to download more than one files in time .So for those crazy, downloader, it's a big problem. To solve  this problem , I'm here friends,i am giving  a site that will be used for download unlimited files from hotfile without waiting .

    Just Follow below steps:

    Step 1:Go to

    Step 2: Add your   Hotfile link there  and click Submit to generate a URL.

    Step 3: After pressing the  submit button,you will get a link from the site.

    Step 4: then Copy the link you get and paste in the address bar of your internet browser.

    Step 5: Select the server you start to download.

    The process described above is very simple and really works. But if you have any problems from the previous page with the download, then you can use the solution, go to and add your file link  and get direct link to download the file.

    I hope that the above trick certainly willing to help them realize their wish to download.

    Chrome Browser Tricks

     Chrome Browser Trick 1:-

    Instead of opening a single website, you can open multiple pages at startup in Chrome browser. To open several pages at startup follow this method:- the upper right corner of the Chrome window and click on the "wrench" icon (Customize and control Chrome).

    2.after that select the "Options" and select "option"  and then select the "on startup... open  the following pages"
    Option  from the 'Basic' add The pages  which you see when chrome start, you can manually enter the URL of the site or simply click on "Add" button  and you  find  a list of web sites,   while surfing the internet.

     3. Choose the pages what you need. Now the site is opened automatically when you open the chrome.

    Chrome Browser Trick 2:-

    To check the time taken to load your site, you can use this trick.
    Follow my steps:

    1. Simply use the right mouse button on a Web page

    2. select the "Inspect Element" option.

    3.Then you know just select the "resource" tab and be able to know the  load times on this website.

    This trick is especially useful for Web developers.

    Chrome Browser Trick 3:-

    For quick access  to any site  you can  turn the site to  "desktop applications" follow my steps:

    1:  simply click the ‘wrench’ icon (Custom Chrome and control) in the upper right corner of the window of chrome.
    2.And select " Tools"  and choose " Create application shortcut " option. , a window  will appear from which you can choose  where you want to create the shortcut. Just select" Desktop and  you will see the   shortcut will be created  on your desktop as  an icon.

    3.Now just double-click on the icon to open the site.

    Chrome Browser Trick 4:-

    After finishing Any download ,if you want to copy it to any  folder on your computer, follow this easy trick  to use the Chrome browser to do this


    1.simply click on the mouse to the  downloaded files and the drag it to the folder  where you  want to copy that  file

    2.Then easily release the mouse.  it will Copy  the file to the folder on your pc.

    Chrome Browser Trick 5:-

    If you  want to auto complete address in the address bar, you can use the "auto-fill" feature of chrome browser.

    1.In order to do this go to the upper right corner of the Chrome window and click on the "wrench" icon (Customize and control Chrome)

    2. select the "Options" menu.


    3.Then select "personal stuff", click the "Autofill" option.

    4.Then enter your contact information by clicking the "Add address" option.

     by using This trick you don't  give the address over and over again.

    Windows XP Tricks

     "Windows XP" operating system is used the most popular and widely used around the world. Windows XP is a great blessing for humanity, to improve the living standards very easily. I have some Windows XP tricks to help you get the best result.

    Trick 1:-

     In case that you want to see your desktop icons transparent just follow this:-

    1.In the beginning you have  to go to "Control Panel"

    2.Then double-click on the "System" icon

    3.Then simply click on the "Advanced" tab. In the Performance area, click on the tab "Settings" and select the visual effect.

    4.Then simply choose the "Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop"

    5.Then simply press the "OK".

    With this trick, you may be able to show your desktop icons transparent. check out ths if yout not beleive.

    Trick 2:-

    If you do not want recyle bin for use or deletion of files for storage, follow these tips   to remove recyle bin from your desktop.

    1.To do this, first run  and write "regedit" and hit enter.

    2.Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Desktop/namespace.

    3.Click now,  'recycle bin' string on the right the  "Delete" option from the  screen  and  click 'OK' button for delete recylebin.

    Trick 3:-

    With this trick, you may be able to rename your "Recyle Bin"

    1.Simply open "regedit" and go to:


    2.After that rename the recyle bin   whatever  you want.
    (Note: Do not use the quotation marks  to your name)

    Trick 4:-

    If you want to run your private files from your computer, you can follow this tip.

    1. At first  go to  "My Computer" and double-click on the my computer icon  to open  "Windows" program for this trick.then go to windows drive where your windows is insalled.

    2.Then double-click on the Document and Settings folder, double-click again on your user folder. Now right-click the folder that your user profile and select  from the drop-down list.

    3.It is shortly going to the Sharing tab, and select  the make this folder private so that only I have access to it check box.

    Trick 5:-
    Do you want to know the IP address of your Internet connection:

    1.simply click on the Start button and then click Run.

    2.Then just type "cmd" and click the OK button in the Run window.

    3.Then write "ipconfig".

    With this trick, you know  IP address of the connection.

    Trick 6:-
     Do you want to copy files and folders to a CD, you can follow this trick:-

    1.To do this, you must first insert a blank recordable CD into your CD burner.

    2.Next, open My Computer and select files and folders that you want your CD to copy.

    3.Then copy the file to select / copy the selected items from the button on the left side of the window.

    4.Then click on the CD, copy the item and click the Copy button.

    5.Then simply open My Computer and double click on the CD, click on "Write these files to CD" from "CD task on the left side of the window.

    6.Finally, Windows displays the CD Writing Wizard. Follow the wizard direction to write .Due to the action above, you can copy files and folders,to the blank CD.

    Trick 7:-

    If you want to view hidden files on your hard drive follow below strps: should go to menu bar then click on "tools"

    2.then  click "Folder Options"  then click "view" after that  click the chechbox "Show hidden files and folders"

    3. Then  just press the OK to confirm.

    Now all files and folders from your hard disk can be viewed by you.
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    Add Blogger Share Button And Power Saving Mode

    A blog is a platform in front of everyone who sends you the privilege of their thoughts, share ideas for the blogger comments, news, and newspapers around the world.  I'll give two basic things to  get bloggers results to all bloggers.


    To add " bloggger Share  buttton":-

    If you add blogger share buttton it will be easy to add  your blog in Twitter, share in facebook
    or mail  it  for  your  blog  visitors. To add  this  feature,  follow the below

    * login to Blogger then go to Design html after that go to Edit html                                                       

    *Click on the "expand widgets"in  template.                                                                                      

    *Add the line anywhere you want the widget ,Add it after   anyone of the line                                                                                                                                     

    *Add it after anyone of the line,                                                     

    *If you can not find this line in the template then  find the line,

    *And add this code,
    *Save the template.
    *In case that  you don't see this feature in your blog, then check  you have activated this option, go  to Blogger dashboard then go to Design after that Click the ‘EDIT’ button of the Blog post section

    *Run a Blog In The Energy Saving Mode

    If your blog visitors are inactive, your blog in the power saving mode, just like below this screen.

    To enable this power saving mode to your blog :-

    *Log into Blogger and go as follows,   Dashboard then go to Design after that go to  Edit HTML.
     after that    find the code "</ head>" tag by scrolling down your template..
     Copy the code  and paste before the </ head> tag,

    (If you use another JavaScript library, add this code in place of the old code that uses this standby engine uses “jQuery Javascript library”)

    *To determine the "Time Of Inactivity" that you start the engine, you must write "?time=a". a=  is the number of seconds, write the  code to set the time of  80 seconds.

    I hope this post is very useful  to you.

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